Monday, February 28, 2011

Our Container

We tested our container, Fluffy, which consisted of a tupperware container, felt padding and Fluffy (holding the Flip camera). After a few rounds of throwing Fluffy from the gym and outside, the container broke. Fluffy and the camera were okay, but the force was too much for the tupperware to handle. We didn't have any padding on the roof, and we probably should have padded that. The plan would have been successful, but sadly, we didn't have the right tupperware/plastic holder. 

Because we are short on time, our group has decided to just help the other container groups and help them finish successfully. 

R.I.P Fluffy 


If you want to see Sara and Ansley's posts...go to there blogs 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today in Class...

Today in class, we murdered a stuffed animal. Fluffy the dog now has a flip camera inside of him. We went to Mrs. Burtnett and she helped us cut a hole down Fluffy's stomach. If you are wondering why we used a stuffed animal to hold the flip, Fluffy is going to keep the camera very warm once the hand warmers are inside of her. Tomorrow we will once again murder a stuffed animal, but this time we are going to put the camera that takes pictures every few minutes in side of it. Then, we will strap the two animals inside of a tupperware container, and make sure it will be safe.