Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Last Few Tests

Balloon Car

Sara, Ansley and I did our balloon car together way back when in the beginning of this semester. Our car was a piece of cardboard with two balloons connected to a black funnel that we used to blow up the balloons and to slowly release the air. As we started testing our car, we found out that one balloon needed to be smaller than the other so the car would go straight. We also figured out that we couldn't make the other balloon too big or else it wouldn't move quickly because it had too much mass and not enough air was coming out fast enough to move the car.

Camera Into Space...Almost

For the container that we made for the balloon in space project, we used Fluffy, a stuffed dog, a Tupperware container, felt, and some hand warmers. We put the hand warmers and the camera in Fluffy. It was a good concept to have the camera and the hand warmers inside of something that could keep the warmth, but sadly, our container failed. It was the tupperware that failed us and cracked during our test runs. Sadly, we also didn't have any mor time to fine a better, stringer container, so we didn't send Fluffy into space. The felt was ctually a great aiding for the camera and fluffy, but the Tupperware just wasn't strong enough for the whole project. It was a good idea, but was not successful.

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